Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Last week of work in NZ!

So I've started my last week of work in NZ :) it is now Wednesday evening so I've done 3 days, and my last day is tomorrow yay! They have kindly given me Friday off so I can do some shopping and see some more of NZ before I travel home on Sunday!! I have loved all 3 places I have worked here, the staff & clients have been great & I couldn't have wished for a better placement! There hasn't really been a great deal of nursing things to be done (other than in Hamilton)...but, its a whole new environment, few faces, few places & its been great!

Today I went bowls again with the clients! I actually did pretty good & managed to hit the white ball 4 was so sweet all the clients were cheering & clapping lol. 1 of them said on the way home "Kelly, student nurse from the UK is the bowls champion!!" he then went on to say he thinks I'm secretly a bowls professional & not actually a student nurse...haha, I wasn't that good.... it was beginners luck, but it made me laugh!!

Things took a turn for the worst on the way home! We were driving back in a van (6 clients + 3 staff) and there was a strange noise coming from the van. Nobody knew what it was so we carried on, until there was a bang and the van (sort of) lost control & smoke was coming up from the front left and side. We (lucky) managed to pull over just before we got on the motorway to see we'd had a blow out on the front tyre!! It was so scary, the tyre had completely blown apart & the van was tilted forward to the left. We were SO lucky that we wasn't on the motorway, we wasn't driving too fast & that we had somewhere safeish to stop!! From the time we stopped to the time we were rescued by the AA was 1 hour. We had 6 hungry clients all in begging for smokes which we had none, so we entertained them by playing eye spy! All we had around us was a road, a house & open as you can imagine it got silly but it was a laugh! The AA guy turned up; he took out the spare tyre....which was flat so spent some time sorting that out, then got 6 of us out the van so he could lift it up to change the tyre. During this time the heavens opened & it was torrential rain, so we were all absolutely soaked & freezing cold. 1 of the clients freaked out saying he had had a dream 2 days ago that he'd had a car accident & died, so he refused to go in a car again cos he was so scared by what happened & said he never wanted to sit in the front of a vehicle again. I offered him my seat & swapped places & we managed to persuade him to get in so we could go back home. He kept saying thank you to the lady driving for driving so slow as in his words "it probably saved our lifes". Eeeeeek!! We made it back safe so thats the main thing - its all part of the experience!! :)

Its my last day of work tomorrow, yay! I then have 3 days off to enjoy considering a bungee jump off the harbour bridge  how excitiiiiing! Defo gonna go for the harness option & I do not want to be dunked in the water - glad its optional!!

Sunday......I am coming home!! I have had an AMAZING time, it really has been brilliant...but I am sooooooo looking forward to getting home & being reunited with my family, fiancee & friends :) miss you all loads, not long now xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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