Saturday 2 June 2012

I have arrived!!

I have arrived safe & sound in New Zealand after a 24 hour flight!

The first flight from Heathrow to Singapore was OK...watched a fair few films to pass the time, read my kindle & listened to my IPOD. The food was naff... had 'lunch' about an hour after taking off & then they bought round 'breakfast' about 9pm... all this time difference business is confusing! So I didn't eat much. I did however have a few glasses of wine to help me through the journey! The last hour on the aeroplane we had REALLY BAD turbulence. It was so scary and it made me feel travel sick which wasn't clever considering the people next to me were eating #awkward

My second flight from singapore to NZ was good! There were hardly any passengers; I had 3 seats to myself which meant I could lay down & sleep. I managed to sleep for 5/6 hours and was surprised to wake up to see only 2 hours left till we landed! The food again was naff so I skipped that but overall...the 24 hour flight wasn't as bad as I'd imagined!! :)

Sarah & Rod (the friends I am staying with in NZ) were waiting at the airport for me...Sarah wearing a jubilee british hat and holding a flag, it did make me laugh!! We are back at their house now, I am showered & refreshed & feeling better :)

It is currently 1am here sunday morning and I am wide awake....Can't wait to get up tomorrow morning and see New Zealand properly, in daylight!! We are going into the city to have a look around. I have had a chat to my family & Dave since arriving so am now feeling happy & excited about my time here :)

The worst part is over, now for the fun times to begin!! Night people!! xx

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